The sea is the path traveled by the children of Iemanjá. Love is their language.
Flowers, perfumes, and mirrors glide across the waters like secrets…
In the sway of the waves, the mother embraces them with her salty embrace and tides of wisdom.
This is more than a conversation between mother and children; it is a bond that transcends the visible, an act of faith.
Between the shadows of bridges and the silence of gondolas, Venice embodies what the world has forgotten to be.
A place where every detail is an invitation to uncover hidden mysteries, whether in the colorful facades,
the stillness of the stone, or the charm of the narrow alleyways.
On the edges of its canals, time plays at standing still, and the bridges hold memories of a city that
floats and brings lightness to the soul.
In Venice, every step, every turn, and every click is an invitation to drift between dream and reality.
In the shadows of concrete, where urban chaos gives way to the stillness of lines, structural silences emerge. Each angle captured in black and white reveals more than shapes; it unveils the unspoken dialogue between light and shadow, between the city and those who inhabit it.
In the corners of glass and steel, hidden pauses reside—moments that echo suspended time. The buildings, towering and steadfast, whisper stories of permanence, resisting the frenetic rhythm pulsing below.
Black-and-white photography does more than document; it translates. It transforms visual noise into a moment of introspection, where contrast reveals the essential and emptiness becomes poetry. It is there, in the quietude of urban architecture, that the gaze finds rest.
We can feel when we’re living one of those moments that will mark us forever.
I realized this as I sailed up that river in southern Bahia, on a small fisherman’s boat, surrounded by an atmosphere of simplicity and brilliant colors.
Even while savoring every minute of that gift, I was instantly transported to my past when I noticed the pennants framing the landscape of that sunset.
Without realizing it, I shifted the camera shutter away from the horizon and started photographing the little flags being pierced by the sun’s rays, frenetically fluttering in the wind. Everything there seemed magical.
I believe this story reinforces something I feel about capturing moments, something that goes beyond technique, good equipment, timing, light, and place. I feel that photography, in the act itself, carries our own memories, important pieces of our history that have shaped who we’ve become and led us to where we are now.
A river mouth is where a river flows into the sea.
A meeting of fresh and salt waters.
One body flowing into another.
Boats sail through this encounter and drift apart.
Some, anchored, long to leave, while others wish to return. I long for movement.
I admire the audacity of those who come from a narrow, winding path and cast themselves into the infinite.
This series is a journey through narrow streets and alleys, where time seems suspended, and beauty can be found in the ordinary, art in the everyday, and poetry in the details.
These are stories of common life unfolding in a slow cadence, as if the rush of the modern world has no permission to enter.
Strolling through these streets casually is like diving into a book of living stories. Through the wooden doors weathered by time, each with its own charm, are portals that invite the imagination.
Each house is a universe in itself, a microcosm of emotions, dreams, and realities. And we, silent observers, are invited to witness and celebrate this constant dance between the private and the public, between being and seeming.
There are paths that ask us to slow down.
This series seeks to capture the essence of coastal serenity at the moment the sun disappears.
The combination of an inspiring light with a place that is pure poetry for the eyes.
The meeting of this land with the sea, blending into a fusion of colors that enchants the senses.
A beauty that can be called timeless.
Horizons seduce me because they carry the strength and calm that live in blue, a color that awakens infinities and immerses me in the immensity of the world.
It is a landscape that gives rest to the eyes and the soul.
A place to get lost or find yourself.
Observing the mist hovering over the sea is facing the mystery head-on.
It tells you secrets in layers and leads you to the place of imagination. They are particles suspended in the air, like dust, like us in this vastness.
Sorrento is a coastal city in southwestern Italy, facing the Bay of Naples.
A charming place on the Amalfi Coast that seduces with its vibrant colors, whether of the sea, flowers, or its architecture.
There, life moves slowly, allowing us to navigate more attentively among its streets, alleys, mountains, and roads bordering cliffs with a sea view.
A true portal to see and feel the beauty of the world.
Calm for the mind. Breath for the soul. Peace in the heart.
A park amidst the skyscrapers of New York.
Central Park represents a pause in frenetic lives.
And beauty in my path.
Among fruits, flowers, and leaves: ladybugs and an enchanted universe.
It seems like a distant world, but it’s right there in my garden.
Focus on what’s possible. Admire the achievable.
The dry branch that today lies on the table as an ornament,
once bore leaves, flowers, and fruits.
It was life, nourishment, and shade.
And before it was a branch, it was a trunk, root, and seed.
It was life, shelter, and foundation.
Today, it merely lies
São Paulo is one of the most populous cities in the world.
Fascinated by this complexity, my lenses move between the macro and the micro and question:
High density and high solitude. How do they inhabit the same place?
So many minds, but they do not dialogue.
So many bodies, but they do not connect.
Thousands of self-absorbed worlds, which, even inhabiting the same room, will never meet.
Norway and its Fjords: an arm of the sea surrounded by mountains.
A place of peace. Land of the Midnight Sun. A happy country.
Observing the privilege of living surrounded by nature.
Walking fascinated by the endless shades of green.
Being a woman in the fifth country with the highest rate of femicide in the world means knowing oneself as a fortress and survivor.
Fighting daily to free ourselves from the chains that try to imprison us. Reclaiming the body that belongs to us. Celebrating the courage to be who we are.
It was a dance of hands and gazes.
Advance, retreat, face, close.
Keeping up with life’s rhythm requires full attention.
Paying attention to the moment of meeting to not lose the connection.
No matter which side you’re on, doors are always a mystery.
There might be a family living or an endless road.
On the inside, construction. On the outside, anticipation.
I transit, seduced by the doors along the way.
Iemanjá, odoyá. Queen of the sea.
Mother of water. Her children are fish.
Dress in blue and white. Gift the mermaid. February Second is a day of celebration at sea.
The sea that is a path to everywhere.
It can be a limit and it can be a meeting point.
Sky and sea unite in different shades of blue.
Birds and boats move as if only infinities existed.
My gaze contemplates freedom.
Mobility is a right for everyone.
Tactile flooring plays this role for visually impaired individuals.
Moving through the city with agility and safety provides autonomy and transforms lives.
Gazing slowly at the approaching night. A scale of colors revealing itself. A world of possibilities between dawn and dusk.
Life is what happens in this interval.
Water that goes and never returns. Life following its flow.
Nature moving and guiding me through its textures, lights, landscapes. We follow without direction, but enjoying the journey.
It is said that solitude is the virtue of those who have learned to be the sun.
It has nothing to do with emptiness, but with feeling fulfilled.
Me and my camera pointed at the silence.
Immense comfort in gathering with my thoughts.
Native of Itacaré, Nero goes up and down the river every day.
He kindly shares his world with those who board his boat.
His time is measured in tides, and his life follows the rhythm that nature imposes.
To transit: to change place, state, or condition.
Between comings and goings, I record life’s movement. I walk for the simple pleasure of seeing life unfold.
Run and look at the sky.
This vast blue where birds, planes, and shooting stars pass. Abode of the moon. Blue is the color that soothes, it is also the color of dreams, the sea, and love.
My lens, my gaze, and my soul always end up turning towards the blue.
The shadow that sketches the life contained within the buildings. Concrete design.
Horizon cut by lines, constructions, brick, cement. Highs and lows.
Life unfolding in the light of windows. Everyday.
Multiple shades of a sky that witnesses the end and the beginning. Universes.
This series is born from the belief that photography has the power to access, reveal, and connect with pains. And beyond that, it can also be a tool capable of redefining these and so many other emotions.
In a moment of extreme vulnerability, after my home was invaded by burglars, even though I wasn’t present, I experienced the feeling of having my sanctuary violated, my privacy exposed, and witnessed the place that should be synonymous with refuge turn into fear.
I wasn’t a victim of domestic violence, but I realized that my own home ceased to be a secure place. I felt usurped and powerless in the face of violence, and upon realizing that this is a recurring reality in the lives of many women who daily fall prey to domestic violence, I decided to take action using the tool I believed had the power to directly communicate with anyone’s soul: photography.
Driven by a whirlwind of emotions, I conceived a series that could reveal not only my own anguish in the face of what happened to me, but that could also shed light on the suffering that many women endure within their own homes.
Pain unites us, and in this case, it led me to even deeper pain and questions that need to be exposed, first and foremost to ourselves, and urgently to an entire society that persists in closing its eyes to gender-based violence.
I wanted a retribution, not a revengeful one, but an action that would yield something good, a revealing retribution.
Looking through the window is like seeing life framed.
It’s like gazing at the canvas of a real story.
Windows unveil new worlds and endless possibilities.
They are slivers of light in a dark room capable of traversing the space and the soul.
Crossing and being crossed by the dichotomy of days.
Renewed by the sun, seduced by the moon. Revelation and mystery.
From one side to the other. From the other to me. Exchange.
Walking through the big metropolises at night is witnessing the sky fade and the city light up..
its lights, its colors, its soul, its struggles, its mourning.
A walk without a destination or a set time.
The step
follows the rhythm
that the heart suggests.
Thoughts wander aimlessly
while the lens knows exactly what it wants to capture.
A city that, although tired, continues to thrive more than ever.
Estar no caminho implica obrigatoriamente a arte de ir ou ficar. Dar um destino a si mesmo é inevitável e, seja ele qual for, carregará em si o peso de que é apenas através de nós que caminhamos. Nós e a estrada, nós e aquilo que escolhemos (ou não) carregar, nós e quem caminha ao nosso lado, nós e quem nos atravessa, nós e quem atravessamos. E para além do ritmo, velocidade ou direção, importa que nesta jornada eu destino-me, tu destinas-te e ele destina-se. Que esta decisão seja pessoal e intransferível.
Suddenly everything is out of place. Time and space have gained another dimension, and at this moment, no route makes much sense. However, even without seeing the destination, the desire is to keep going. Regardless of the disorder, life needs to flow, off the rails but within the path that guides the heart.
Nature and its flair. It designs and redesigns itself. With its sinuous shapes, protrusions, and indentations. Balancing the concave and the convex. Textures, cracks. And the relief that elevates the beauty of erosion to reveal itself even more beautiful.
Petals. Sepals. Calyx.
Rest. Sustenance. Shelter.
Reproduces. Begins again. Multiplies.
Silence and light are a dance of emotions in a dark room. A symphony that not everyone can hear. It requires turning inward, silencing the world, and casting light into the deepest inner self to perhaps glimpse a shadow. It’s not about what is revealed, but what one wants to hide.
The city lights draw a seductive path that often leads to solitary places. The city and its crowds place us within ourselves, us, alone. The city and its cloudy days need solar hearts. Suns. Are you suns? The city calls for a flame that never extinguishes. A body that never sleeps. A life that keeps pulsating. The lights say it is possible. Ignite or ascend.
Travessia emerges from restlessness, discomfort, and the desire to overcome barriers and reach new landscapes. Above all, it is born out of a genuine longing to go beyond what is seen, as it intends not only to cross but to dive, to delve as deep as one can reach, freeing oneself from constraints and flowing with the tide.
We live in a time where everything suddenly became absence. All places, desolate. Unable to feature in any landscape, we observe from afar the ruins and debris as remnants of what once existed and at the same time a foundation to rebuild what remains of us.
Stop. Notice. Rest your gaze. Calm your soul. Renew your mind. Rethink life. Start again. But not without resting first.
This series was born out of a feeling of suffocation triggered during the 2020 pandemic. Suddenly, it was no longer safe to venture beyond the memories of what had been experienced. In an attempt to stay alive, we closed ourselves off. Meanwhile, life seemingly suspended, questioned: Is there life inside here, or is it only possible out there?
The artworks tell stories of resistance and permanence in the truest sense of the word. Fernanda’s photographs in this series capture buildings that remained standing after the great disaster of Hiroshima in Japan.
Works that pay tribute to the memory of cyclists through the Ghost Bikes project are also included in this series.
Anything that allows itself to resist will endure.
The artist Fernanda directs her lens to capture angles, shapes, and geometric compositions in buildings, in the series Lines, Trajectories, and Constructions.
In this space, lines that present distinct destinations, trajectories, and their predefined coordinates were recorded, rigid and symmetrical constructions.
With each point, a line is formed. With each line, a new image.
Black means power, mystery, sophistication. The sovereign king.
Shadowy path. Twilight. Sphynx. Unveil it.
One must know the shadow to be able to see the light.
Fernanda observed this vivid color throughout New York. The color caught her eye on the city streets, on the heights of the buildings, on the windows and walkways.
As such, she realized that yellow conquered the most beautiful scenarios of a lively and intense city.
The works recorded in Yellows of New York began with the curiosity to find the color clamoring for attention.
Beautiful sea.
beauty in the sea.
be and see breeze,
low tide.
guiding blue.
sail through
Summer of shimmering sea waves slide forward and backwards. The sea flows in between the sand and the foam. Up and down, amazingly, always anew. High tide. Full tide. Live Tide! Inflows, spreads, stirs. Disperses…
A series depicting peaceful scenery. An exploration of the world of those who launch out into life, in the air, in the sea. Endless possibilities for those who live the moment, the now, the subtleties. The wind commanding the destination of the leaf, of the bird, of the boat, of the wandering soul. That slides away, slowly, detached, [un]o[ccupied].
In Coração Aberto, Todo em Flor, Fernanda presents flowers, in their abundant of simplicity.
The artist compares her works with the beauty and strength of a woman. Whether the flower is white, black or pink, nothing prevents it from growing and blooming.
“Everything seeks to connect”. It was from this concept that the inspiration for the series Cores que Dialogam emerged.
Part of the work was photographed in Hiroshima and Tokyo, Japan, and the other in Brazil. However, this distance did not prevent the details, lines, and colors of the photographs from creating a connection and a story to be told.
A story that is open to you to write.
Living in multiethnic Indigenous village brought about the images capturing a trip to the Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiás. In order to celebrate the strengthening of cultures and the struggle of indigenous people, Fernanda shot through her lens, to understand and feel the rich experience.
It was with great love in the chest that the clicks crossed indigenous legends shared under the starry sky, at the foot of the fire. To the waterfall baths early in the morning and to the sacred corners, anytime. Giving life to the series Conexão Céu e Terra.
Of priceless strength. Of enviable delicacy. Of exciting logic. Of charming sensibility.
The work of art Delicadeza e Força. Razão e Sensibilidade, represents women’s freedom, which terrifies many and expresses the desire for daily and incessant empowerment.
Fernanda’s work brings details and angles that can go unnoticed by many viewers. In Feelings of New York, the artist’s lens sought to represent the city of New York through unexplored scenes.
The shots show the urban – and even calm – side of the city, but reveal beauty in the concrete and imperfect.
Shooting in South Africa was the beginning of a journey in photography driven by fear and curiosity. Everything is basically driven by instinct and by desire to learn about something so different from daily reality.
An experience permeated with the adrenaline of knowingly being trapped in the predator’s environment, but at the same time, observing the beauty that is the coexistence of such different animals, and that seem to be moved by an invisible code of mutual respect
When entering Atacama, the feeling is that everything is in its own place- what remains is a desert that was once sea.
Each step guides you through mystical settings with contrasting colors and fascinating textures. Each image is a show of reverence for a place full of memory, where it’s possible to feel the earth’s vibrations as a way of telling each hidden story.
Forming mosaics with photographs was a work born from the recognition that life is made up of small fragments that form new scenarios with each movement. This is because nothing is permanent and everything creates new meaning.
The constant search for sensory experiences led me on a journey to Chapada dos Veadeiros and the Atacama Desert, where the possibilities for connecting with land and water are endless.
There is a wealth of textures that emerge from nature that needs to be felt wholely- just looking isn’t enough.
These are elements that intersect and interconnect, resulting in an intimate union. And this tissue has the ability to connect us to a place of belonging, becoming like the current of the river, the fall of the waterfall, or the dust of the earth.
This series is based on a poem from Manoel de Barros’ book ‘Photographic Essays’. They are portraits of many silences. The silence that walks through the night and elaborates answers, goodbyes, reunions and new beginnings. He lives in empty houses, in crowds, in the heavy chest of feeling and in the mouth of those who wait. The silence that the wind blows, shaking the dry branches and leaves in the shadows that hide mysteries.
It’s not about being whole, it’s about recognizing the strength that exists in every fragment left when life tears everything down. It is far from what the head thinks and very close to what the soul desires. It has nothing to do with waiting, but with what one is, now in its most primitive and pure form. Full of fury, delirium and drunkenness. Made to set fire. Voracious. Visceral. Something that shines and burns. It excites and ignites. A constant restlessness, but also surrender, surrender and redemption. Recognition and forgiveness. Relief and resumption.
Savanna reveals poetry, beauty, and freedom. It is a place that brings the feeling of being reborn every time the sun rises and receiving every time it sets. Its waters, its colors, its flavors snatch and ignite the soul. Fire burning on the naked eye.
Metropolis, mazes, vertigo. Rubble, corners. Empty souls? The inside out, inside out. Fast paced. Alive? Restart, concrete, resistance. Dilate, expand. Is there room? Sounds, lights, insomnia. Meetings, departures. Does love exist? One more dream (un) does itself.
Under the Tuscan sun magic takes place! At every corner a different charm and a sigh of the soul. The images etch on the chest the contentment of entering the History of those churches and buildings, while nature grants us with perfect light and landscapes. Memories always worth revisiting. From this, we can learn a little more about ourselves.
Fall to the ground and germinate. Break the shell. Life cycles. On the leaf, the chlorophyll. Soothing green. This photo, in short, reveals the outcomes of a long process which grants us life. Breathe and sweat. Exhale, protect, shelter. Feel nature and the strength in being reborn from the ground. Live.
Nature reveals existing colors stronger than words. Look. To mingle with it is to be in a place where everything is dressed in beauty, magic and mystery. Feel it. Contemplate life which, sometimes emerges, sometimes submerges without ever stopping to pulse. Awaken.
Torrents are streams that cannot be swum- opening ways, invading, filling, disgorging, collapsing. Torrents of life that gush, abundant, impetuous, intense. Swerving from rocks, though ripping the roots. A might capable of creating new landscapes. Nature shaping nature.